Environment and Sustainability Committee
Inquiry into Energy Policy and Planning in Wales

EPP 42 – Steve Galloway


Dear Sirs,
I write to express my utter dismay at the proposals to erect so many and such monstrously high wind turbines in upland Powys.
I came here with my partner last December to semi-retire and to be honest the first thing that impressed me with this area was the lack of road traffic, having spent fifty five years in London, followed by seven in Dorset, this was a real pleasure for me. The second thing that hit me was the beauty of so many of these valleys. Now I am staggered to hear that both of these are about to be destroyed.
This is madness!
Windfarms have been proved time and again to be un-economic and inefficient. In this age of super streamlined methods of working being impressed on all of us, this goes totally against the grain.

So what does Wales get out of this?  The roads will be overrun with traffic, and the scenery will be ruined, where is the sense in that. I have been horrified at the figures quoted for the size and volume of traffic needed to move these turbines around, with the result that ordinary people like me will find it almost impossible to carry out their daily lives, I have only semi-retired and still need to earn a living, albeit it my needs are a lot less than they were. Even doing everyday chores such as shopping will be extremely difficult if these turbines start to roll. The loads would strain conditions on motorways and other trunk roads, but we don't have any of these major roads here. Most of our roads are single carriageways and in many places they go through small towns and twist and turn so much that these lorries will struggle to get through. The current infrastructure is just not designed to cope with this. Once again madness!


I can only ask that the whole thing is re-considered and that TAN 8 is reviewed, if not shelved for good.


Yours faithfully,


Steve Galloway.